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NCBR stawia na produkcję i technologię przemysłową.
Świadczenie usług przez członka zarządu na rzecz spółki – zmiana podejścia organów podatkowych.
Schemat podatkowy – wszystko co należy o nim wiedzieć, aby go zidentyfikować.
Czy software house może skorzystać z ulgi B+R?
IV Kongres Made in Poland 2023
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are very pleased to announce that our ATL Group has been awarded the title of LAUREATE MADE IN POLAND 2023.
There are nearly 40,000 participants in this prestigious economic programme. Being awarded the title of LAUREATE MADE IN POLAND 2023 is an honour we would like to share with you.
We have been recognised in areas such as :
- QUALITY OF SERVICES – quality and best Polish products, projects, services,
- CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE – the highest level of trust among customers and business partners,
- COMPETITIVENESS – competitiveness at home as well as on foreign markets.
Recognising these components in our ATL Group and giving us the title of LAUREATE MADE IN POLAND 2023 is not only a distinction for us, but also a reward for our persistent daily implementation of the company’s mission. Consciously building trust among our customers both on the Polish and foreign markets is a priority for us.
A very carefully selected group of specialists, allows us to provide comprehensive legal and tax services of the highest standard and quality of service.
We are delighted to have been recognised and honoured.
We are ready and motivated to keep working, to keep developing and improving our comprehensive services.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this success.
This year’s 4th Made in Poland Congress 2023 will take place on 8 September in Berlin. We encourage everyone to follow this extremely interesting event in the general media. We invite you – Be there with us!